Want to Sell a House Fast Because of Debt in San Diego? Trusted House Buyers is a market leader in buying local homes and our Company’s President has seen this situation before. Take quick listen if you’re searching for how to sell a house because of debt in San Diego.
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Video Transcription:
Hi Everyone. As I step into this house, if you’re considering ways to sell a house because of debt in San Diego, I wanted to address a few things that might be on your mind. There is no doubt that this type of situation is often very emotional, and believe it or not, very common.
My name is Brian Mollo and I’m the President of Trusted House Buyers. We’re a house buying company in San Diego that helps people who are interested to sell a house because of debt in San Diego. We come across this situation quite often and we know to handle it with respect, compassion, and integrity. In fact we’ll look at a house today where the owners are facing some financial hardship, so don’t think you’re the only that’s gone through this. It usually happens because of unforeseen circumstances and might not even be your fault.
This is a house in San Diego that’s just under 1200 square feet and as you can see, can be considered a fixer. We’ve purchased homes that are nicer then this, and certainly ones that are in much worse condition. We’ve seen it all. Now, if you’re house looks like a brand new remodel and you’re in a situation where you can wait months to maybe get your house sold, incur all the closing costs, and pay real estate agent’s 6%, and STILL pay off your debts, then this video probably isn’t for you. If you can handle your monthly expenses until you get out of the hole and those transactions costs included, then we certainly recommend you contact your favorite realtor, or contact me and I can refer several. Just be conscious about what realistic expectations are and be hesitant about any over the top promises.
But if you’re house has a lot of deferred maintenance and you can’t afford to do the fixes necessary to get it on the market and on top of this you have this debt, that may or may not be immediately pending and closing in on you quickly, then there might be an easy, hassle free solution. We can get you out fast and with very little headache by buying your house for cash. We’ll buy it as-is and make it a very smooth, easy transaction by covering all the paperwork necessary and costs involved. You pay absolutely nothing. No agent commissions, not termite, no repairs to worry about, no appraisals, no closing costs, NOTHING. The price we offer you is the net amount you will receive, minus any mortgages, of course. And you won’t have a bunch of people rummaging though your house-we’ll even let you leave any unwanted stuff behind!

Look, at some point, it becomes about survival: emotional, financial, and even physical, if it is indeed, affecting your health. The reality is it just takes it toll and there comes a tipping point when you start to consider how do I sell a house because of debt in San Diego. Obviously, the very first step is reviewing your budget to see if you can afford the ongoing costs of keeping your house and hold off any debts. As we look at through this house here, I’m hopeful you have thought about other assets that you can sell to help, like a car or boat? There is often such an emotional tie to your own home that I hope you can consider other options before looking into this. But you probably are already beyond this point and those things might not cover your debt, which is why you if you sell a house because of debt in San Diego, it might be your best bet. I mean, we get it, it’s often a very, very complex situation with many moving parts, and it might be hard to find a solution that works.
But, If you are deeply in debt and are not make any progress in paying off that debt, it’s probably time to at least think about selling your biggest asset to resolve this problem. Also important to think about, is that it is a good time to sell as San Diego has had a healthy real estate recovery and taking advantage of timing is key, rather then trying to sell when the market takes a dip.
Let’s look at this light fixture, because the light at the end of the tunnel is this (see what I did there?!) This is a realistic option and sometimes it’s about just getting ahead, and sometimes it means starting fresh without the debt burden keeping you up at night. It might be the hardest decision of your life. And if you are considering selling it fast to house buying company or individual, please make sure you’re getting the sense that they are sensitive to your situation. Make sure you’re dealing with honest people who are not taking advantage of you.
If you deal with our company, I’d bet you’ll rid yourself of those stomach pains, sleepless nights, and believe it or not, you’re gonna kick that general sense of uneasiness. We’ve been helping San Diego homeowners in all kinds of situations sell their homes fast for cash. Be sure to check out what type of houses we buy. We love providing folks with an option that allows them to sell an unwanted home, or one that they need to move on from pretty quickly, in a fair, above board transaction. There is never any obligation to hear what we can do and there is no obligation to get an offer from us. And if it’s something that works for you, great. If not, that’s OK too. We’re a local, family run company in San Marcos, San Diego and at Trusted House Buyers, we hope we can be of help. If we can’t, we’ll be quick to let you know that as well. We always try to ensure our clients are happy during each step of the transaction and even after the closing.
If you’re further interested in a way to sell your house because of debt in San Diego,
call our companytoday at 619-786-0973.
My name is Brian and don’t hesitate to ask for me. We can chat about your situation and whether or not we’re a good fit for it. Thanks for watching and good luck!